Experts in valuation and fixed assets control with more than 30 years of experience.
Industrial Valuation | Real Estate Valuation | Financial Valuation
Company 100% Mexican with more than 30 years of experience, we have the exact combination of procedures, Technology and Talent Human to develop solutions that help our clients achieve their objectives and solve their problems of fixed asset, real estate valuation and financial services.
One of the companies added to Grupo ANEPSA is SAAF, Fixed Asset Management Software, a tool that adapts to your needs through a state-of-the-art platform. The SAAF offers asset solutions fixed and allows to control and carry out inventories, monitor, manage, maintain and have financial and fiscal control of the fixed assets of one or more companies simultaneously.
Our experience in control and inventory of fixed assets, valuations, and financial and industrial services provides confidence to our clients, since we develop methodologies and apply technological tools tailored to their needs.
You need a appraise?
We have the service you are looking for. Backed by certified appraisers.
all our appraisals They are valid before government agencies for fiscal or private purposes, such as:
- Purchase Sale, Judicial, Insurance, Tax Purposes, Tax Guarantee, NIF, NIIIF, I Private
- Ministry of Finance and Public Credit | SHCP
- Tax Administration Service | SAT
- Mexican Social Security Institute | IMSS
- Institute of Administration and Appraisal of National Assets | INDAABIN
- Mexican Petroleum | PEMEX
- Federal Mortgage Company | SHF
Our Numbers
Recent appraisal projects
Real Estate Appraisal
Cadastral Appraisals
Intangible Asset Valuation
Industrial Appraisals
Financial Appraisals
Certifications to carry out appraisals
All our valuations are carried out by Appraisal Experts who have the essential certifications to carry out any project with Guaranteed quality, using the correct methods to give an objective value.
Machinery and Equipment | ID 6249160
real estate | ID 6673186
Treasury of Mexico City | V-070377
Business in Progress | ID 6820894
Industry Experts

- pharmaceutical
- manufacturing
- Telecommunications
- restaurant
- Chemistry
- energetic
- Construction
- automotive
- food
- Entertainment
- hotelier
- Petrochemistry
- Financial and Insurers
Clients and Partners