Tania Camarillo

Hire an Appraisal: Why and how to do it?

Hire an Appraisal: Why and how to do it? | Certified Appraisers

Contents Hiring an appraisal is a crucial step in a variety of situations, whether you are buying or selling a property, refinancing a loan, or establishing the value of an asset for tax or legal purposes. An accurate appraisal provides an objective estimate of the value of a property or asset, which can influence financial decisions.

Hire an Appraisal: Why and how to do it? | Certified Appraisers Read More »

Consulting in smart management of fixed assets

Consulting in intelligent management of fixed assets | Intelligent control of fixed assets

Content In today's business world, efficient fixed asset management has become a fundamental pillar for resource optimization and strategic decision making. But what does intelligent fixed asset management really entail? It is the organized and systematic process of managing, maintaining and renewing assets.

Consulting in intelligent management of fixed assets | Intelligent control of fixed assets Read More »

Reportable Schemes - What is a reportable scheme?

Reportable schemes – What is a reportable scheme? | ANEPSA

Contents What are Reportable Schemes? A reportable scheme is defined as any structure or project that involves a series of legal acts that could generate, directly or indirectly, a tax benefit in Mexico, regardless of the taxpayer's place of tax residence. To qualify as a reportable scheme, the scheme must present at least one of the following:

Reportable schemes – What is a reportable scheme? | ANEPSA Read More »

compliance what is compliance

Compliance – What is compliance in a company? – Intangible Assets Registry

Content What is Compliance? The term “Compliance” refers to the set of procedures, standards and practices that organizations adopt to identify, assess and manage legal and operational risks. The main objective of Compliance is to establish effective internal mechanisms that prevent, control and respond to risk situations that may compromise the stability of the organization.

Compliance – What is compliance in a company? – Intangible Assets Registry Read More »

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