Civil engineering and the importance of civil plans

industrial plans, civil engineering

One of the most important areas within the field of construction is civil engineering since this profession is responsible for the construction and maintenance of structures, this through calculations and knowledge in mechanics, hydraulics and physics. 

For a good development of the profession it is important to have extensive knowledge of the types of blueprints civil works that can be carried out within the processes that are carried out as part of engineering civil. 

Types of Civil Plans Used in Civil Engineering

Next we will know the types of civil plans that can be made and what are the elements that are included in them. 

Architecture plans: Prepared by an architect who reflects the distribution and functionalism since these plans are important for the buildings. At the time that the civil plans are made, the architects should consider the following:

  • Location Plan and Location:

These plans are made in the area where the building will be located and where it will be built. This plan shows the streets, how the lots are distributed, pedestrian spaces, among other elements that are part of the urban space. 

  • Floor Plan or Distribution:

These plans will indicate the distribution, functionality, place where areas such as the living room, dining room, kitchen, patios, bedrooms, among others, are located. 

  • Plan of Sections and Elevations:

These plans will help us to measure the height that each of the places will have and have an exact knowledge of the levels in which they are located. 

  • Detail Plan:

In these plans, the elements that the construction has, as well as those finishes that are going to be used and are of importance, are put into a graph, so they are carried out on a larger scale. 

  • Architectural Symbology:

Through an established and appropriate symbology, certain characteristics of the house are represented within the plan. 

  • Structure Plans

These types of plans are made by a civil engineer who knows about structures since notes and details are considered in them, as well as a series of information that it is necessary to consider for the structure and that in this way a correct and accurate interpretation can be made. quick. 

Within the structural plans the following aspects should be considered: 

  • foundation plan
  • roof plan
  • detail plan
  • Structural Symbology
  • Plans of Sanitary Facilities
  • Plan of Electrical Installations

What are the benefits of civil plans?

Having the civil plans of a construction can provide great benefits and be essential requirements to know in detail the characteristics of the spaces, structures, facilities, among other spaces, so it is important that these are on hand in case of that modifications to the spaces are required. 

That is why among the benefits that we can find are the following: 

  • Know the location and distribution of each area of the buildings. 
  • Know the facilities. 
  • Know exactly the measurements of each space. 
  • Know the boundaries of the property in question. 

In ANEPSA We have architects and civil engineers who are qualified and qualified to make plans of any type or update those that have already been made.  

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