Architects and civil engineers, hand in hand in construction

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Architects and civil engineers, hand in hand in construction
When planning to build or expand a property, there are many questions that arise since, as we are not experts in this matter, we do not know exactly what the best materials will be or what is best for our properties at the time of construction. building is why it is important to consider expert advice.
Both architects and civil engineers debate the issue of construction, however, it is important to mention that each profession has its area of expertise and that at the same time both complement each other, ensuring that the work is solid and has good results.
Differences between architects and civil engineers
In the field of construction, both professions have an important burden within the advancement of society since in both cases these professions are in charge of putting their hands to work to be able to carry out large projects that help people to have better comforts and live better with society.
However, one of the main questions is what are the differences between the two professions? Although both careers can have specialties that are close to each other.
In the case of those who study civil engineering, they carry out more in-depth studies of the structures within a construction and the different characteristics that each type of construction has, for this they are experts in making calculations that allow the constructions to be maintained, analyzing the soil, loads among other things.
Architects, on the other hand, are more visual, which is why they tend to design buildings and structures in a way that makes them more attractive. This is why, from their studies, they take more areas of design, drawing, and even 3D modeling, while that in engineering are subjects dedicated to calculus.
Architects are more in charge of the function, the shape of the spaces, the exact measurements for the furniture, the space given for circulation and connection between rooms, along with the ventilation and lighting required for each of the spaces, while the Civil engineers are in charge of proposing the structure of the project along with the development of the final design. In this way, both the architect and the engineer can evaluate the construction of the spaces within a construction.
What an architect or an engineer commonly does in carrying out a project, however, it is not necessarily mandatory that each one be stereotyped with a single role of activities, since each one can do the task of the other, in real life This is something that happens a lot either because they like it, it makes it easier for them, or that's how their professional life was settling in.
Another of the tasks where architects and civil engineers can perform in the same way is how to manage a procedure and construction regulations, so the person in charge of this task will be a decision between the work team of each project, however there are some regulations more focused on what an architect does or what an engineer does, such as the minimum dimensions of spaces for the architect or the resistance coefficients for structures for civil engineers.
It must be taken into account that the point of view of both the architects and the engineers separately could differ a bit but when it comes to uniting it there will be a complete synergy between design and stability, since from the perspective of the engineers everything is more technical while architects seek to give a vision with more design.
What is the contribution of each profession to construction?
As we mentioned before, both professions end up working hand in hand, since they complement each other, ensuring that construction work has aspects that make it part of the urban landscape and that allow people to live adequately.
This is why the architects were in charge of the design part, both from the exterior and the interior, they will be in charge of seeing the details, finishes, some materials and they will be able to make plans and designs that allow us to visualize what the final product will be like.
Meanwhile, civil engineers will be able to carry out an analysis of the materials that will be used, the soil and the type of foundation, the construction loads and the calculation of everything that the construction will carry in its structure.
What differences are found in each profession?
Now that we have talked about the common points and how these professions can complement each other and work hand in hand, we will talk about the differences that exist in each of them and in which architects and civil engineers can be separated.
In the case of architecture, there are many jobs that are responsible for supervising the landscape, the restoration and conservation of monuments, the improvement of spaces and even the decoration and use of interiors, as well as space designs.
Meanwhile, a civil engineer can supervise and carry out the analysis of the creation of transportation routes, bridge construction, airports, placement of basic service lines, among other spaces that are of vital importance for the development of cities.
At ANEPSA we have architects and civil engineers who are in charge of supervising and appraising different real estate and who are also certified in different areas.
In ANEPSA We recognize our architects and engineers, as they are a fundamental part of our team. Did you know that an architect is also part of the valuation study.