IFRS C-6 provides guidance on how companies should evaluate and recognize these assets in their financial statements, including determining cost, depreciation or amortization, impairment testing, and proper presentation of information in the financial statements.
Objective of this standard:
Define the principles for valuing, presenting and disclosing information about real estate, furniture and equipment, commonly referred to as fixed assets, the purpose is to provide users of financial statements with details about the Bank's investment in these assets, as well as report any changes that have occurred in such investments.
Evaluation standards according to standard C-6
An item that meets the definition of property, plant and equipment must be identified and accounted for as an asset both on initial recognition and in subsequent periods if:
- It is probable that future economic benefits related to the asset will flow to the entity, using logical and sustainable assumptions that reflect management's best estimate of the economic conditions that will prevail over the useful life of the asset.
- The acquisition cost of the component can be reliably evaluated to comply with the valuation principle.
Initial recognition
Rule: A component that meets the conditions to be recognized as an asset must be valued on initial recognition at its acquisition cost.
The acquisition cost of a component must include:
The cost of acquisition, which includes duties, taxes, import charges, non-recoverable indirect taxes, as well as professional fees, insurance, storage and other costs related to the purchase, after considering any discounts or reductions in the price.
All expenses directly related and essential to placing the component in the necessary location and condition, so that it can operate as planned by management.
The initial estimate of expenses linked to an obligation associated with the removal of the component, arising either as a liability when acquiring the component or as a result of the use of the component over a specific period.