Considerations you should have in your home insurance

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Home insurance helps ensure that your assets are insured against any incident both inside and outside the home., so it is important to consider that the insurance covers everything inside and also has civil liability for any damage caused to third parties.
When hiring home insurance there are many questions that arise about the different points that are discussed in the contract, so it can be confusing when you want to hire it.
For this reason we will talk about those aspects that home insurance talks about and that serves to make the best decision and protect your home against any type of accident.
What is home insurance and why think about getting one?
Keep in mind that a home is the largest investment we make, that is, we not only talk about the value of the property, but also about all the content that exists within it, such as: furniture, jewelry, appliances and anything that increases the value of the home. By taking out home insurance you can protect the property, structures and valuables that are in the home and may have some damage caused by an external event, such as floods, home theft, accidents or natural disasters. It should be noted that you must choose what type of insurance you want to contract so that your home is protected.
Avoid surprises
One of the biggest problems in the world and mainly Mexico It is to fight against the insecurity that we have today, which is why it is necessary to consider insurance that protects your home from burglary.
There are climatic changes or natural events that come as a surprise such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, fires, broken glass, etc. And if you do not have insurance, all the damage caused by these natural disasters will have to be paid for with your own money.
Aspects to consider before taking out insurance
Whenever you are considering hiring your home insurance there are some aspects that you should take into account to determine which insurance is best for your home.
Know the value of the house: This point is important to consider because when purchasing insurance, the value of the home must be correctly indicated since the premium calculation is based on this.
Identify if you are in a risk area: It is important that you analyze the risk factors in the area, which can be floods, seismic zones, hurricanes, tornadoes, among others.
This will help you take these factors into account when purchasing your insurance policy and looking for one that covers partial or total damages due to natural disasters.
Civil liability or damage to third parties: In case you living place causes problems or damage to other homes or people, the insurance can protect you against such damages.
Indicates the characteristics of the property: For insurers it is important to specify the characteristics of the property, by this we mean whether the house is rented or owned, the area where it is located, whether it is a house or an apartment, the finishes, among other characteristics.
Compare insurers: Making a comparison of all the insurers will help you identify those that best suit what your home has and in this way you can decide on the one that is best for you.
What are the elements of home insurance?
Regarding the terminology used by insurance, they are sometimes somewhat confusing and we do not fully understand what each of them refers to, so it is important to review them and keep them in mind when hiring one, since they are They consider a contract in which both parties commit themselves.
Given this, you should consider the following terminologies:
- Continent: This term is used practically to refer to everything that is within the land where the house is built, so it does not only refer to aspects such as the facilities, the structures or the elements that are decorative, this extends to gardens, patios or pools.
- Content: This point refers to all the movable property that exists within a home. Given this, an important point to mention is that a good inventory should be considered that includes everything that is inside the house.
At this point, it is important to consider that if new objects are acquired that were not there when the policy was acquired, the insurer must be notified so that they can be included.
- Coverage: The insurer must provide the insured with a list of the claims that are covered
- Sum insured: To calculate what will be paid in the event that the property suffers a loss, both the container and the content are taken into account.
- Insurance premium: The insurance contracting party will pay an amount on a monthly, annual or quarterly basis, so that the insurer can continue offering its services.
- Deductible: It is a payment that the user must make in the event of a claim and means a significant percentage of the problems caused by the claim. This may vary depending on the insurer and the sum insured.

Remember that at ANEPSA we carry out insurance appraisals, which allow us to determine the value of your home and with this help you decide which insurance is best for the property for which you want to take out the policy.
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