Insurance Appraisal
A real estate insurance appraisal estimates a fair market value and guarantees before any insurance company the economic protection that covers the property against risks and accidents.
A real estate insurance appraisal estimates a fair market value and guarantees before any insurance company the economic protection that covers the property against risks and accidents.
How to calculate the rental value of a property? The property rental appraisal provides the estimated amount for which a property or space should be rented, as of the agreed valuation date between a landlord and a tenant. What is the property rental appraisal? The income appraisal of a
Commercial property appraisal What is a commercial property appraisal? It is an estimate of the commercial value of a good as of a certain date, where value means the equivalent in monetary figures or the utility of said good, which is obtained through an impartial technical opinion. This opinion is determined in
Valuation of Machinery and Equipment What is an appraisal? It is an estimate of value of a previously identified asset. The valuation process begins when the appraiser identifies all the elements in the appraisal environment and ends when he delivers the results of the study in an official and confidential document called Valuation Report.
Fixed Asset Management What is Fixed Asset Management, and why is it of real importance for your company? The Management and/or Administration of Fixed Assets is a methodological process, the primary objective of which is to have a qualitative and quantitative database of each of the fixed assets belonging to it.
Valuation of Brands and Intangibles for Tax Amortization The standard defines intangible assets as those identifiable, without physical substance, used for the production or supply of goods or provision of services or for administrative purposes. In the current definition, “used for the production or supply of goods or provision of services” was removed.
Valuation of Brands and Intangibles for Tax Amortization Read More »
Industrial Plant Valuation by C-6 and C-15 Industrial Plant Valuation by C-6 and C-15 The National Standards Applied in the Valuation of Fixed Assets (C-15 and C-6) What is NIF C – 6? The objective of the standard is to identify the commercial value of assets, property, plant and equipment, which is
Insurance Appraisal One of the services that ANEPSA offers and performs are insurance appraisals, the purpose of which is for the insured to know in an adequate manner the amount for which movable or immovable property must be insured and to be able to acquire the insurance that best suits the needs
Warehouse Inventory, Raw Material and Finished Product Control ANEPSA carries out the Inventory, Raw Material and Warehouse Control of Finished Product (Current Assets), with the aim of making an excellent presentation to the client and answering all their questions. What is current assets? Current assets are goods and
Warehouse Inventory Control and Finished Product Read More »
Valuation of Sites for Shared Network Installation Determine the Minimum Rent Values for the use or exploitation of spaces in buildings of the Federal Public Administration for the deployment of telecommunications infrastructure by concessionaires, permit holders or developers of telecommunications infrastructure Assumptions and considerations : Market Studies A