Landscape Architecture

landscape architecture


A branch of architecture that combines design, innovation and love for nature and the outdoors, taking charge among other things in the design of public spaces contemplating public spaces and the ground itself, landscape architecture is dedicated to transforming and organizing elements of the environment, this branch has boomed in recent decades, to the point that the most famous and well-known parks in the world have been planned under this theme.

This type of architecture refers to the planning, design, conservation and rehabilitation of land and man-made constructions; however, landscape architecture has come to be integrated into the general urban conception with the aim of precisely structuring the spaces to which it belongs. the weather of the city, green areas end up being a necessity not only physical but also intellectual and even spiritual, thus transforming the quality of human life, thus achieving harmonization of the architectural work with nature and its social context.

The architecture It is also a dialogue with nature, in the face of the degradation of the environment produced by urbanization within cities in the world that characterizes modern society, the preservation of landscape escapes this necessary evil of daily life, this area encompasses the science arts, technology, art, mathematics horticulture, social sciences politics, history, philosophy and zoology.

At present and due to the growth of cities, concern for climate change has been increasing, this is due to the excessive use of natural resources as well as the fact that there are fewer and fewer spaces such as parks or green areas, which which has become a concern. 

Faced with this situation, efforts have been made to ensure that there are spaces in which there are green areas that play an important role in society and that allow positive environmental development to exist even within large cities. 

For this reason, careers have been created that help contribute to the analysis and creation of spaces that help improve the environment and that contribute to society a role in which different natural aspects are combined with elements that contribute to the needs of quality and well-being of people.


What is landscape architecture?

This joint profession has a multidisciplinary nature since it involves a series of professionals who work together to achieve the design of a space where there are aspects that are enriched by ecological elements.

Landscape architecture seeks to combine nature and urban structures in order to preserve and rehabilitate spaces that allow for the incorporation of spaces that can be used to benefit society. 

This type of construction can be applied to open spaces or areas such as offices, residential neighborhoods or where there is the possibility of rehabilitating spaces that can be used again and that provide sustainable benefits to the surroundings.


What is the project process?

In order to carry out a project in which elements that benefit the landscape are incorporated, a series of considerations must be taken that help to carry out work in an orderly manner and have favorable results, so we will mention some considerations below. 

To start with the project it is important to have knowledge of the place where it is going to be carried out and in this way know what the client is looking for, as well as observe the specific characteristics that the place has, observing the characteristics of the place will help define and determine the scale that the project will have and with this everything that it entails. 

Once the measurements of the spaces are known and obtained, the conceptualization of the spaces will be carried out, so at this point it is important that the technical drawings and the 3D conceptualization are considered, since these tools will help guide the project. in the appropriate direction or that can be corrected by the client. 

In the design stage, we work with all the ideas that have been approved by the client, for which all the plans of the project are made, with the details and the measurements that will be used. This process is where the materials that will use the type of vegetation or plants are indicated, and everything necessary to carry out the project. 

Once the designs are approved and the materials are available, the spaces are built, in which the landscape architect is the one who will supervise the work and see that everything is followed to the letter, at this point a job is done in conjunction with other professionals who help to conceptualize the project. 

Because this profession seeks to have a positive impact, it is important to carry out an evaluation and assessment of the benefits that the project brings to the spaces and in this way to be able to see those positive or negative aspects that are present. 


In ANEPSA We can carry out the valuation of landscape architecture projects, since we have expert appraisers trained to analyze all types of projects and can even help review plans and constructions., Leave us your information and we will solve your doubts.

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